Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let's Talk Craft Shows

After the ups and downs of a roller coaster month I'm finally hitting my stride, making Petite Minx products and posting listings at the shop. With a craft show at the Ruston Farmers Market on May 9 on the horizon and a couple locations asking for displays, I need all the drive I can muster to crank gobs of jewelry out.

You can check out photos of the last showing I did at the market here. Back then I was using my name for my business.

Photo from Country Living.

I've been making jewelry for six hours a day lately -- sometimes more. Each passing day the pile of finished jewelry at my work desk grows and grows. That's my favorite part of doing jewelry full time -- tracking the identifiable progress. That's also probably why though a part of me dreads balancing the books, I enjoy it. The numbers don't lie, people.


* Fabric covered bulletin board for earrings and necklaces with fun push pins.
* Tree branch necklace display. Branches can be sprayed black, white or silver and stuck in terra-cotta pots dressed up with paint, ribbons, buttons, etc.
* Small picture frame earring displays
* Hand painted canvas banner
* Small black and white photo displays for interest

I'll update with photos as these things are checked off my list.